COVID-19 & Your Health Coronavirus: The married couple behind the successful Pfizer COVID vaccine. “Ugur Sahin and Ozlem Tureci founded the pharmaceutical company BioNTech which has developed the 90% effective coronavirus vaccine.” (Sky News) Meet Kathrin Jansen, the woman leading Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine effort. “The rock star scientist has a track record of producing difficult vaccines against the odds.” (Fast Company) Pfizer Says Its COVID-19 Vaccine Is 90 Percent Effective. What Happens Now?...

Happy Veterans Day to all those who have served in defense of our democracy. We honor you, and the family and loved ones who supported your service. Veterans Day honors all of those who have served the country in war or peace — dead or alive — although it's largely intended to thank living veterans for their sacrifices. It was originally called Armistice Day, commemorating the end of World War I. 5 Facts to Know...

COVID-19 & Your Health Is it safe to see grandparents for the holidays during COVID-19? Experts weigh in. (HuffPost) A room, a bar and a classroom: how the coronavirus is spread through the air. “The risk of contagion is highest in indoor spaces but can be reduced by applying all available measures to combat infection via aerosols. Here is an overview of the likelihood of infection in three everyday scenarios, based on...

COVID-19 & Your Health A powerful argument for wearing a mask, in visual form. "Real-time pandemic data paints a vivid picture of the relationship between mask-wearing and the prevalence of covid-19 symptoms." (The Washington Post) July Is the New January: More Companies Delay Return to the Office. “From Ford to Microsoft, white-collar companies are increasingly extending working from home through next summer.” (The New York Times) Store Workers to Get New Training: How...

COVID-19 & Your Health Identify the Different Symptoms of the Flu and Covid-19 (The New York Times) An app called MyCOVIDRisk was created by emergency physicians to give you information you need to know your own COVID-19 risk (Brown Alpert Medical School) A pandemic pod could help you get through winter, experts say. Here’s how to form one. (The Washington Post) Your Finances & other Wealth Management links Social Security Benefits Increase in 2021 ( “Approximately...

We’re not ones to make stock market forecasts – never have been, never will. Still, had we been tempted to lose our resolve last March, we might have presumed we’d see some pretty awful returns for at least the next quarter or two. Wow, would we have been wrong. Our country has not yet moved past the many personal, social, and economic ravages wrought by COVID-19 and related concerns. But as...

COVID-19 & Your Health How to Ventilate Your Home to Fight Coronavirus, Wildfire Smoke. "Experts advise on the best ways to improve indoor air quality; filters, fans, air purifiers and open windows can make a difference.” (The Wall Street Journal) Here’s How the Pandemic Finally Ends. “A vaccine by early 2021, a steady decline in cases by next fall and back to normal in a few years—11 top experts look into the...

COVID-19 & Your Health Face masks could be giving people Covid-19 immunity, researchers suggest. “Mask wearing might also be reducing the severity of the virus and ensuring that a greater proportion of new infections are asymptomatic.” (The Telegraph) Your Finances & other Wealth Management links COVID-19 Changes American Perspective on Wealth and Finances (Charles Schwab’s 2020 Modern Wealth Survey). Some key takeaways in chart form follow: COVID-19 recalibrates American financial aspirations: less is more Financial stress...

COVID-19 & Your Health What Scientists Have—and Haven’t—Learned About the Coronavirus So Far. “From whether dogs can get it to how it spreads to that ridiculous “study” on runners spewing plumes of virus, we’ve won some and lost some, which is to be expected.” (Slate, Medical Examiner) Does Wearing Glasses Protect You from Coronavirus?. “After researchers noticed fewer nearsighted patients in a hospital ward in China, they speculated that wearing glasses might...

COVID-19 & Your Health ‘Really Diabolical’: Inside the Coronavirus That Outsmarted Science. “SARS-CoV-2 is a wily virus, with mysterious origins and a powerful ability to infect and spread; ‘We underestimated it.’” (The Wall Street Journal) Do’s and don’ts of wearing a face mask at restaurants during COVID-19 (Huffpost) Early flu shot crucial this fall to avert ‘twindemic,’ doctors say. (The Boston Globe) Covid-19 etiquette: A comprehensive guide (The Washington Post) “The novel coronavirus is wreaking...