Do Mutual Funds Outperform Benchmarks? Dimensional's analysis of US-based mutual funds shows that only a small percentage of funds have outperformed industry benchmarks after costs—and among top-ranked funds based on past results, only a small percentage have repeated their success. Here's the short (2:36 minutes) video for your viewing pleasure. SAGE Serendipity: The New York Times has a great collection of 2-3 minute video's called SCIENCETAKE.  Presented by science writer James Gorman, these...

Benefits of a shorter workweek 1. Every Weekend Should Be a 3-Day Weekend (The Cut, 9/4/2015) “The bulk of the research in medicine, sleep, cognitive science, and organizational psychology overwhelmingly suggests that a shorter workweek should be the norm rather than the holiday-weekend exception.” Another benefit to drinking water all day 2.  Why Sitting at Your Computer All Day Can Wipe You Out (The Cut, 7/19/2017) Source: The Cut “’We’re animals that are designed to exercise physically as well as mentally,”...

Benefits of a shorter workweek 1. Every Weekend Should Be a 3-Day Weekend (The Cut, 9/4/2015) “The bulk of the research in medicine, sleep, cognitive science, and organizational psychology overwhelmingly suggests that a shorter workweek should be the norm rather than the holiday-weekend exception.” Another benefit to drinking water all day 2.  Why Sitting at Your Computer All Day Can Wipe You Out (The Cut, 7/19/2017) “’We’re animals that are designed to exercise physically as well as mentally,”...

The financial crisis has shaken young people’s faith in capitalism A (financial) crisis of faith (John Paul Rollert, Chicago Booth Review, 8/10/2018) “A spring 2016 poll from Harvard University’s Institute of Politics finds that only 19 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 identified themselves as capitalists, and 51 percent of those surveyed said they did not support capitalism. Similarly, a YouGov poll commissioned late last fall finds...

First-time home buyers having a rough go of it 1.Starter-Home Affordability Hits a Decade Low (Prashant Gopal, Bloomberg, 8/27/2018) “Starter homes are now more costly to purchase than at any time since 2008, when the last boom came to a crashing halt. In the second quarter, first-time buyers needed almost 23 percent of their income to afford a typical entry-level home, up from 21 percent a year earlier, according to an analysis...

Bob Lefsetz thinks the STEM era is over… 1.  And now it is about “Soft Knowledge.” Article first shared by Barry Ritholtz. “For twenty years we’ve experienced the denigration of the liberal arts. For twenty years we’ve been ruled by tech. For twenty years it’s been about entrepreneurship. Now it’s about thinking. About concepts. About ideas. Not changing the world with products, but analysis and influence”. What are you getting into if you invest...

Vacation Mode: The band is back together this week (all four of us are in the same house at the same time!) so I’m taking some vacation days. Here are some interesting, non-financial pieces to enjoy while I’m away. 1. People hearing sounds for the first time reminds us that science can be a wonder The beauty of science is profoundly real when you see the first expressions of people hearing sounds...

Where are you on this scale? 1. In “The Three Levels of Wealth,” Ben Carlson tries to determine where most Americans might find themselves on Stewart Butterfield’s scale: Level 1. I’m not stressed out about debt: People who no longer have to worry about their credit card debt or student loans. Level 2. I don’t care what stuff costs in restaurants: How much you spend on a particular meal isn’t impacted by your finances. Level 3. I don’t care...

      What’s That Stock Worth to You? They say your home is your castle, but that doesn’t mean you should have to pay lavish prices to live there – at least no more than the going rate for a similar estate. It’s the same for your investments. You expect to pay something for the holdings in your portfolio, but there’s no sense paying more than market rates. If you do, it counts directly against the...

      July 2018 The Tao of Wealth Management The path to success in many areas of life is paved with continual hard work, intense activity, and a day-to-day focus on results. However, for many investors who adopt this approach to managing their wealth, that can be turned upside down. The Chinese philosophy of Taoism has a phrase for this: “wei wu-wei.” In English, this translates as “do without doing.” It means that in some...