At the end of 2025, portions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) are set to expire. Many changes will come with the sunsetting of many rules, including the possibility that federal estate and gift tax exemption levels will revert to pre-TCJA levels. What’s changing?1 Currently, you are subject to federal estate tax only if your individual estate is worth more than $13,610,000 for individuals or $27,220,000 for married couples. These...

As a parent, you are well aware of your responsibility in helping your children grow up happy and healthy. Once they enter their teen years, the pressure can build to impart more of your wisdom. One area you shouldn’t overlook is how to handle money. Helping your children develop basic financial skills is critical to preparing them for the decisions they may eventually make as they age. Laying a solid foundation...

Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy So What’s Your Plan for the Bear Market? (David Booth, Dimensional) “When choosing how much you want invested in stocks, balance the regret you would feel when markets go down with the regret of missing out when things turn around.” Why trying to maximize annual returns is counterproductive. ( “It’s counterintuitive, but you will likely maximize investment gains over your lifetime if you go out of your way...

Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy Worried About Stocks? Why Long-Term Investing Is Crucial (David Booth, Executive Chairman and Founder, Dimensional) Excerpt follows: “Imagine it’s 25 years ago, 1997: J.K. Rowling just published the first Harry Potter book. General Motors is releasing the EV1, an electric car with a range of 60 miles. The internet is in its infancy, Y2K looms, and everyone is worried about the Russian financial crisis.   A...

Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy Right Now, But Wrong Later (On market timing and why its unlikely to succeed in the long run) (Nick Maggiulli) Things You See In Every Bear Market (Ben Carlson) How Long Do Bear Markets Last? (Ben Carlson) Your Finances & other Wealth Management links Phishing Campaign Uses Simple Email Templates (KnowBe4) “The email informs recipients that two incoming messages were returned to the sender, and directs the user to visit...

Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy History Shows That Stock Gains Can Add Up After Big Declines (Dimensional) “Sudden market downturns can be unsettling. But historically, US equity returns following sharp downturns have, on average, been positive.” Source: Dimensional Do Downturns Lead to Down Years? (Dimensional) “Stock market slides may lead investors to anticipate a down year. But a broad market index had positive returns in 17 of the past 20 calendar years, despite some...

Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy Watch- this 4 min. video> Stocks Are Hard to Hold During Drawdowns (Barry Ritholtz) “Why Drawdowns are a Feature in the Markets” Good News and Bad News About the Market (Ben Carlson) “It feels like it’s all bad news right now but the way I look at it is those losses are sunk costs. The past is the past and all that matters is the path forward.” Your Finances &...