Healthcare: What Happens Next (Collaborative Fund, Lily Bernicker) A User’s Guide to Face Masks By now you’ve figured out that wearing a mask is not as simple as all those TV doctors made it look. Here’s our guide to the wear and care of your new mask. (The New York Times, Tara Parker-Pope) A group of 239 scientists say there’s growing evidence covid-19 is airborne. What does this mean for you? (MIT...

  WORKING DURING QUARANTINE Here at SAGEbroadview we continue to mostly work from our homes -- zooming, calling and emailing with our clients and each other on all kinds of financial planning and investment tasks as well as putting the finishing touches on tax season. Larry opted to work in quarantine in our brand-new office in Farmington, CT; once you see how nice it turned out you will understand why! You can...

A CARES Act Overview With much of the country in self-isolation, perhaps you’ve got time to read the entire H.R. 748 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act. If you’d prefer, here is a summary of many of the key provisions we expect to be discussing with you in person (virtually), depending on which ones apply to you. Questions? Please be in touch! In General Direct payments/recovery rebates: Most...

From our friends at Buckingham Wealth Partners - "If the rate at which the news, the markets and life as we know it are changing these days has left you with more questions than answers, you’re not alone.  This video podcast series is designed to provide simple answers to your most pressing questions. No stage, no sound bites—just short, straight answers from the experienced thought leaders that guide Buckingham’s research, education, investment and financial planning efforts. From...

One of our important jobs is to keep informed about the news, the markets and the economy, and determine if any actions are warranted on your behalf. We also aim to keep you as informed as you wish to be. - Today we share perspective from Dimensional: Jake DeKinder, Head of Client Communications, and Mark Gochnour, Head of Global Client Services, discuss recent volatility in financial markets and provide perspective on these events in...

One benefit of aging is experience. Although Larry and I are technically y’old’s (young olds), we've seen our share of incredibly great times and incredibly difficult times. It has shaped our perspectives as parents, spouses, friends and as financial planners. Many of our clients have often heard us ask "Are you happy with your work, how you spend your time, the quality of your relationships? Is how you are living and spending your money...

We’re Here for You We get it. Depending on how much attention you’ve been paying to the news, you may be feeling anywhere from uncomfortable to mildly panicked. So, we’d like to share some thoughts on what is happening now, some ideas on how to think about it, and how to cope today and in the weeks ahead. BUT if the breaking news is leaving you feeling strained to a breaking point,...

We want to take a moment to share our thoughts related to the coronavirus, its impact on the financial markets, and, ultimately, on your personal financial situation. The coronavirus has triggered a steep stock market selloff around the world. As of this writing, major market indexes in the US, Europe, Japan, and Australia are down 10% or more from recent all-time highs, according to The Wall Street Journal. But here is some...