What is asset location and why does it matter to you as an investor? Let’s begin by noting that asset location should not be confused with asset allocation, which we addressed in last week’s post. The two are related, but each makes its own contribution to your investment experience. Asset allocation (as described here) is about spreading your money among different asset classes, based on the amount of market risk...

What is asset allocation and why does it matter to you as an investor? In last week’s Investment Basics Summer Series, we defined asset classes as categories (classes) by which we organize individual securities (assets) that share significant factors. To review: There are broad asset classes for stocks, bonds and real estate. Within these broad classes, there are narrower ones based on company size and certain business metrics for stocks,...

What is an asset class, and why does it matter to you as an investor? Asset classes are categories (classes) by which we organize individual securities (assets) that share significant factors. Significant factors are the ones that help us associate an investment with a particular level of risk and expected return. For example: Significant – Stocks vs. Bonds: Owning (stocks) is inherently riskier than lending (bonds). That’s why stocks and bonds...

As we kick off our Investment Basics Summer Series, we’ll lead with the most important question of all: Why are you investing to begin with? It’s common for advisers and investors alike to rush into talking terminology and leveraging logistics, without first setting the all-important stage. Maybe it’s human nature to want to get right to the task at hand, and why many financial folk seem far more comfortable discussing...

If you’re wondering whether there’s something that you, as an investor, should be doing in response to the Greek crisis, here are some points to bear in mind. First, as always, we don’t know what the future holds, for Greece or anywhere else. Even more to the point, we don’t know how the market will react to whatever does happen in Greece. This is why we advise those who already have a...

We often advise others that mindful living represents a balance: reserving time for work and play, investing and spending, yourself and your community. Just as we invest our own wealth using the same strategy we recommend to others, we also strive to set an example on balanced living. (Admittedly, some days we’re more successful than others!) One way we strive for balance is by making plans each winter to set aside...

Is the US market due for a correction? If you Google that question, you will see people have been predicting a correction in the US stock market for years now. A healthy market will experience corrections, so rather than trying to predict them or live in fear of them, investors are better off incorporating them into their long-term strategies. Our investing philosophy is built on the knowledge that markets go both...

This blog post was authored by Mike Iannetta.  Mike is Sheri’s nephew and will be attending Fordham University next year to study finance. He recently completed an internship at SAGEbroadview. I have always been a spender and the guy who does stupid things (for lack of a better term) that cost money. That big graduation check I just got? Signed the whole thing over to my parents to pay for the...

“How am I doing so far?” is a fair question every investor asks. Our human nature tempts us to compare our performance numbers with the benchmarks the popular press reports on, such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Standard & Poor’s 500 and the Nasdaq Composite index. Inappropriate comparisons can cause more harm than good if they tempt you to bail on an otherwise solid approach. See what Sheri has to...

Can your portfolio survive rising interest rates? (Fortune) It’s the question that everyone has been asking. Here’s a guide to whether your portfolio will be able to withstand the coming rate hike cycle, whether it begins this fall or sometime in early 2016. (Hint: You should be fine as long as you are properly diversified.)  The 5 Rules of Personal Finance That Everyone Should Memorize (themuse) “Most people spend their 20s...