soft knowledge

3 Things: Soft Knowledge, Real Estate Investing, and Bitcoin Energy Usage

soft knowledge

Bob Lefsetz thinks the STEM era is over…

1.  And now it is about “Soft Knowledge.” Article first shared by Barry Ritholtz.

“For twenty years we’ve experienced the denigration of the liberal arts. For twenty years we’ve been ruled by tech. For twenty years it’s been about entrepreneurship.

Now it’s about thinking. About concepts. About ideas. Not changing the world with products, but analysis and influence”.

What are you getting into if you invest in real estate?

 2.  Ben Carlson shares “Some Thoughts on Investing in Real Estate”.

“Maybe it’s a sign of the times and where we are in the economic cycle but I’m hearing more and more people talk about investing in real estate again. This would have been unfathomable back in the 2008-2012-ish time frame.

Before getting into my thoughts on investing in real estate, I would start out with some fairly simple questions…”

Cryptocurrency as a climate threat

 3. Bitcoin’s energy usage is huge – we can’t afford to ignore it” by Alex Hern with The Guardian

“Bitcoin’s electricity usage is enormous. In November, the power consumed by the entire bitcoin network was estimated to be higher than that of the Republic of Ireland. Since then, its demands have only grown. It’s now on pace to use just over 42TWh of electricity in a year, placing it ahead of New Zealand and Hungary and just behind Peru, according to estimates from Digiconomist. That’s commensurate with CO2 emissions of 20 megatonnes – or roughly 1m transatlantic flights.”

Bonus if you’re still reading this post

Fiction or Non-Fiction – Which is Better?

“If you are going to read, which is better, fiction or non-fiction? Short answer: they are both great and confer benefits, but…”

Check out the article for the answer. Thanks for the heads up @wendyjcook!

soft knowledgeSAGE Serendipity: Alison Green has been writing the workplace advice column Ask a Manager for for over 10 years. She shares with us the worst ‘bad boss’ letters she has received in Nightmare BossesWe’re talking bosses who crash weddings and make their employees deliver work notes graveside!

Sheri Iannetta Cupo, Founding Partner (Retired) & Director

SAGEbroadview Wealth Management is a Fee Only firm offering ongoing financial planning and portfolio management, with tax planning woven carefully throughout our services. We work virtually across the country, with offices in Farmington, CT, Morristown, NJ, and Burlington, MA.