Normally, we love to crank out fresh weekly blog posts, just as we’ve been doing since August 2012. That was before Sage and Broadview had even joined forces to become the unified firm we are today. One of our earlier posts from March 2013 happens to be an important one, on a subject that doesn’t receive as much coverage as it should: What should you do when Restricted Stock Units...

Didn’t we have enough of this last year? If there’s a silver lining to another winter’s worth of wild weather, it’s that it might be taking our minds off the market’s current squalls. That’s good, because studies have shown that our brains react to scary financial news as if our very lives are at stake, which is usually an ill-advised overreaction. Fortunately, I’ve got some advice on how to remain informed...

Good news! Since I achieved my 25-book 2015 Reading Challenge with time to spare, I’ve upped the ante, setting my Goodreads 2016 Reading Challenge at 38 books. Gulp. Fortunately, I’ve got a great source of SAGEbroadview inspiration to help me achieve my lofty goal. Larry’s son and Chris’ younger brother Jeff Annello recently joined Shane Parish at Farnam Street. This is an enviable position indeed, but it’s no doubt a time-consuming...

To counteract some of the stress that the markets have been putting us through lately, we’d like to share a short, upbeat tale with you about risks and expected rewards. "Once upon a time in 1981, there were two young men in Brooklyn who created a fund management company based on a set of ideas that were “bigger than the firm itself.” Its funds would be new and groundbreaking, but they...

Fund Reference recently featured some of Sheri's tips in their 101 Investing Insights From the Experts article.  Here is a sample: "If you’re feeling fear or panic to threatening news, it’s okay to feel that way; just don’t let it overrule your common sense. The best cure for panic is a healthy dose of planning. If you already have an investment plan in place, stick with it — depend on it...

January 20, 2016 Down To The Wire: A Vanishing Value Premium? By Weston Wellington Vice President Dimensional Fund Advisors " Value stocks underperformed growth stocks by a material margin in the US last year.  However,the magnitude and duration of the recent negative value premium are not unprecedented.  This column reviews a previous period when challenging performance caused many to question the benefits of value investing. The subsequent results serve as a reminder about the importance of discipline." To read more:...

On January, 13  Nasdaq published Sheri's piece Avoiding Tax Scams. The article tells/warns you how to avoid tax scammers that call your house and try to get your personal info. "While the Internal Revenue Service may not be your favorite federal agency, criminals posing as IRS representatives are unquestionably the much bigger problem. Here's what to know to protect yourself." Visit here to read the rest of the article  ...

In our recent post, “Making Time for Creativity,” we shared some insights from “Big Magic” author Elizabeth Gilbert on how and why you should make room in your life for intangible inspiration. This includes organizing your more tangible financial interests. Here are three handy habits for improved financial organization in the year ahead. Locate What You’ve Got Naturally, if you don’t know what you own and where it’s held, it’s going...

January,  2016 10 Predictions to Count On By Jim Parker Vice President  “The New Year is a customary time to speculate. In a digital age, when past forecasts are available online, market and media professionals find it harder to hide their blushes when their financial predictions go awry. But there are ways around that." To read more: OPEN PDF  ...

Based on Nielsen’s Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions from January 2015, many of us would like to be more organized. But like losing weight or becoming more fit, we have a tough time doing it. That’s probably why it ranked #6 in the resolution ratings. It’s overshadowed by becoming healthier and happier, but it beats out reading more books. (Clearly, Nielsen didn’t ask us about the reading thing, lest we...