Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy History Shows That Stock Gains Can Add Up After Big Declines (Dimensional) “Sudden market downturns can be unsettling. But historically, US equity returns following sharp downturns have, on average, been positive.” Source: Dimensional Do Downturns Lead to Down Years? (Dimensional) “Stock market slides may lead investors to anticipate a down year. But a broad market index had positive returns in 17 of the past 20 calendar years, despite some...

Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy Watch- this 4 min. video> Stocks Are Hard to Hold During Drawdowns (Barry Ritholtz) “Why Drawdowns are a Feature in the Markets” Good News and Bad News About the Market (Ben Carlson) “It feels like it’s all bad news right now but the way I look at it is those losses are sunk costs. The past is the past and all that matters is the path forward.” Your Finances &...

Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy Today we share excerpts from Dimensional’s CLIENT QUESTION OF THE WEEK:  Why have my fixed income funds lost money? “Bond returns in the first quarter of this year were some of the worst in decades.  Many fixed income funds lost money, which can naturally cause anxiety amongst investors. The bond market incorporates new information quickly. Broadly, the market has likely adjusted expectations for interest rates and inflation. The...

Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy Staying Put (Morgan Housel) “The first rule of compounding is to never interrupt it unnecessarily.” - Munger Save Like A Pessimist, Invest Like An Optimist (Morgan Housel) “As long as more people try to get better than screw up, the long-term odds are in an economy’s favor. And that’s virtually always the case because the screw-ups – the declines, the recessions, and panics, the wars – fuel the problem-solving. Once the...

Capital markets are often confounding, especially if we examine just a brief three-month period. It is tricky for investors and markets alike to sort out what qualifies as “good” or “bad” news from one moment to the next. Should we worry about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? Supply-chain effects from the Covid lockdown? Tightening by the Federal Reserve? Rising inflation? Headlines like these translate into the volatile markets we’ve seen so...

Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy What the Labor Market Means For the Stock Market (Ben Carlson) “I know everyone hates inflation and I get why that’s the case. But it feels like people who are down on the economy because inflation is so high are missing the fact that the labor market is on fire. The unemployment rate is basically back to pre-pandemic levels…” Safer, Yet More Afraid Than Ever (Collaborative Fund) “The fact is,...

Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy What a Federal Reserve Rate Increase Means for You. “Rates on credit cards, savings accounts and different kinds of loans move when the Fed changes its benchmark rate. Here’s what you need to know.” (The New York Times) Panic Selling Quantified (Barry Ritholtz) “Nearly a third of investors who panic sell never buy equities again. My experience is that many panic-sellers repurchase equities at higher prices than they...

Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy Some Thoughts on Bear Markets (Ben Carlson) Ben's thoughts on Bear markets include: “Staring at prices all day won’t make them stop going down.” “Bear markets are confusing.” “The people using this as an opportunity to scare you will never get you back in.” “Bear markets are buying opportunities.” “History provides context, not a crystal ball. “ “It’s been a while since we’ve had an...

Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy Navigating Geopolitical Events (Dimensional) “Investors in global equity portfolios inevitably face periods of geopolitical tensions. Sometimes these events lead to restrictions, sanctions, and other types of market disruptions. We cannot predict when these events will occur or exactly what form they will take. However, we can plan for them by managing diversified portfolios and building flexibility into our process." "We previously reduced the weight of Russia in...