As we mentioned in a recent post, Taking a Twitter Tonic,  it’s important to be selective about the financial news you choose to peruse. That said, there are islands of sensible advice out there as well. We try to share as many of them as we can in our own blog and social media posts. We also are honored when we are invited to participate in useful forums like Fund...

Normally, we love to crank out fresh weekly blog posts, just as we’ve been doing since August 2012. That was before Sage and Broadview had even joined forces to become the unified firm we are today. One of our earlier posts from March 2013 happens to be an important one, on a subject that doesn’t receive as much coverage as it should: What should you do when Restricted Stock Units...

To counteract some of the stress that the markets have been putting us through lately, we’d like to share a short, upbeat tale with you about risks and expected rewards. "Once upon a time in 1981, there were two young men in Brooklyn who created a fund management company based on a set of ideas that were “bigger than the firm itself.” Its funds would be new and groundbreaking, but they...

Fund Reference recently featured some of Sheri's tips in their 101 Investing Insights From the Experts article.  Here is a sample: "If you’re feeling fear or panic to threatening news, it’s okay to feel that way; just don’t let it overrule your common sense. The best cure for panic is a healthy dose of planning. If you already have an investment plan in place, stick with it — depend on it...

January 20, 2016 Down To The Wire: A Vanishing Value Premium? By Weston Wellington Vice President Dimensional Fund Advisors " Value stocks underperformed growth stocks by a material margin in the US last year.  However,the magnitude and duration of the recent negative value premium are not unprecedented.  This column reviews a previous period when challenging performance caused many to question the benefits of value investing. The subsequent results serve as a reminder about the importance of discipline." To read more:...

January,  2016 10 Predictions to Count On By Jim Parker Vice President  “The New Year is a customary time to speculate. In a digital age, when past forecasts are available online, market and media professionals find it harder to hide their blushes when their financial predictions go awry. But there are ways around that." To read more: OPEN PDF  ...

When Ponce de Leon was searching for the Fountain of Youth, he may have been better off looking closer to home by exploring his own, inner attitudes. So says the evidence-based research on how to improve on our stamina as we age. In fact, we couldn’t help but notice a number of uncanny parallels between our advice about sound investing and the following, evidence-based excerpts from a recent Wall Street Journal...

If there’s a lesson we seem to learn the hard way every holiday season, it’s the insidious effect of compound calories. A taste here, a nibble there … hey, somebody’s got to lick that bowl. The next thing you know, those numbers have taken on an exponential life of their own, and you’re going to have to put your Fitbit into overdrive to get back on track. Fortunately, compounding has its...

  Todays post is written by SAGEbroadview Principal, Larry Annello. A few months ago, I introduced our adorable puppy Colbie to the SAGEbroadview community. While our affection for her has grown with her paw size, Colbie is lucky that she is so darn cute, given her talent for sniffing out trouble. This reminds me of one way that investing does NOT parallel our beguiling girl: During turbulent markets, mutual fund investors can...

We don’t know when the Fed might begin to increase short-term interest rates. We don’t know by how much, nor how rapidly it might occur. Come what may, you can best protect your own financial interests in the face of rising interest rates by understanding how the Federal Reserve’s actions interplays with the rest of our global capital economy. In our last post, we looked at the connections between short-term...