As we mentioned in a recent post, Taking a Twitter Tonic,  it’s important to be selective about the financial news you choose to peruse. That said, there are islands of sensible advice out there as well. We try to share as many of them as we can in our own blog and social media posts. We also are honored when we are invited to participate in useful forums like Fund...

In our recent post, “Making Time for Creativity,” we shared some insights from “Big Magic” author Elizabeth Gilbert on how and why you should make room in your life for intangible inspiration. This includes organizing your more tangible financial interests. Here are three handy habits for improved financial organization in the year ahead. Locate What You’ve Got Naturally, if you don’t know what you own and where it’s held, it’s going...

Based on Nielsen’s Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions from January 2015, many of us would like to be more organized. But like losing weight or becoming more fit, we have a tough time doing it. That’s probably why it ranked #6 in the resolution ratings. It’s overshadowed by becoming healthier and happier, but it beats out reading more books. (Clearly, Nielsen didn’t ask us about the reading thing, lest we...

If there’s a lesson we seem to learn the hard way every holiday season, it’s the insidious effect of compound calories. A taste here, a nibble there … hey, somebody’s got to lick that bowl. The next thing you know, those numbers have taken on an exponential life of their own, and you’re going to have to put your Fitbit into overdrive to get back on track. Fortunately, compounding has its...

Perhaps I should have known on that day more than 18 years ago, when I caught my own breath listening to my son Devon’s beating heart for the first time: I was about to give birth to a talented and enthusiastic drummer. Regardless of where the future takes him, I hope Devon will always march to his own beautiful rhythm – the one that we celebrated recently at his Seniors...

Part One: Savings & Debt Similar to that saying about the weather, it seems everyone has been talking about the likelihood of rising interest rates, but nobody seems to be doing anything about it. Are interest rates going to go up soon? When? How much? These questions pale in comparison to what most investors really want to know: How will rising rates affect me (and can I do anything about it)? If...

As my niece Jessica and many of her peers get up and running in their new careers, they face one more important financial challenge. In school, there are the three Rs: Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. Post-graduation, most young adults must manage one or more of the three Cs: College loans, car payments and credit cards. This can get in the way of your otherwise-solid head start on saving and investing...

When my niece Jessica arrived home recently from her first day in her first career as a journalist, she brought a bounteous stack of “homework” along with her. Nope, this wasn’t her first writing assignment. It was the enrollment forms for a variety of employee-sponsored insurance plans. Let’s review some of the advice I offered her on how to make the most of the benefits now available to her. HEALTH INSURANCE: Resources:...

I’m so proud of my niece Jessica Iannetta.  She graduated from Syracuse University’s S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications in May 2015 with degrees in newspaper and online journalism, and political science. She is now working as a reporter and photographer at the Cecil Whig, a newspaper in Elkton, Maryland.  Today I helped her enroll in her company’s benefits plans, which got me thinking that some of my advice to her...

This blog post was authored by Mike Iannetta.  Mike is Sheri’s nephew and will be attending Fordham University next year to study finance. He recently completed an internship at SAGEbroadview. I have always been a spender and the guy who does stupid things (for lack of a better term) that cost money. That big graduation check I just got? Signed the whole thing over to my parents to pay for the...