SBV Curated Content | A Weekly Update of Enlightening & Intriguing Information | September 9, 2020
COVID-19 & Your Health
Tom Hanks on surviving coronavirus” ‘I had crippling body aches, fatigue and couldn’t concentrate’ (The Guardian)
From ChrisKresser.com and BMJ.com:
“This closely mirrors the formula I’ve been talking about these past several months for calculating risk: volume of exposure + length of exposure = risk of COVID-19 transmission. Ventilation, talking/shouting/singing, and face coverings are the primary determinants of the volume of exposure, and time spent exposed is the other factor.”
More here: “A new study published in BMJ took all of these factors into account with the intention of providing more nuanced guidelines for physical distancing. According to the authors:
“Instead of single, fixed physical distance rules, we propose graded recommendations that better reflect the multiple factors that combine to determine risk. This would provide greater protection in the highest risk settings but also greater freedom in lower risk settings, potentially enabling a return towards normality in some aspects of social and economic life.””
Source: BMJ
Your Finances & other Wealth Management links
The payroll tax deferral takes effect Sept. 1. What it really means for your paycheck “This is only a deferral — not forgiveness of the tax owed.” (CNBC)
Considerations for Relocating in an Increasingly Virtual World (Abacus)
Here’s How Moving to Work Remotely Could Affect Your Taxes. “The rules are complicated and vary by state, so accountants are advising taxpayers to keep track of how many days they spend working in each state.” (The New York Times)
“All of a Sudden a Lot of These Families Wanted a Yard”: How the Pandemic Gold Rush Is Remaking the Housing Market. ‘It may seem counterintuitive that a pandemic-fueled recession could lead to a bullish housing market. But a combination of trends has resulted in a buying frenzy.’ (Vanity Fair)
Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy
Covid Testing, Not a Cure, Is What Investors Need to Watch. “Quick, easy and widely available tests will get America rolling again.” (The Wall Street Journal)
Is flexible working here to stay? We asked 6 companies how to make it work. (World Economic Forum)
What employees think of remote working. Source: World Economic Forum
The Future Is Coming: The Technology Revolution of the Roaring 2020s. “Consider the following awesome technologies that are just starting to proliferate in ways that should boost productivity and prosperity.” (Dr. Ed Yardeni)
Soaring meal kit demand: Renewed appetite for meal kits has sales rising at HelloFresh (SecondMeasure)
The Environment & ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) Investing
Investing in Social Good Is Finally Becoming Profitable. “Impact investments are outperforming traditional bets in the coronavirus crisis, which may be a turning point for wealthy investors looking to generate change.” (The New York Times)
The World Population in 2100, by Country. “In 2015, the United Nations predicted that the global population could surpass 11 billion by the end of the century.” (Visual Capitalist)
Your Physical & Mental Well-being
This video has received more than 12 million views and counting.
“Every night I would get an alert from my driveway security camera, and at first I was a bit annoyed, but then I found myself looking forward to the evening alert. And then inspiration struck, in the form of my wife giving me this great idea. What transpired has turned into the best part of an otherwise dreary pandemic summer.”
Expat Stories: An American opens a winery in Italy (doingitaly.com)
Today’s WFH co-worker
Kona keeps an eye on Lynn as she works. He’s very collaborative when he’s not napping!