SBV Curated Content | A Weekly Update of Enlightening & Intriguing Information | September 16, 2020
COVID-19 & Your Health
‘Really Diabolical’: Inside the Coronavirus That Outsmarted Science. “SARS-CoV-2 is a wily virus, with mysterious origins and a powerful ability to infect and spread; ‘We underestimated it.’” (The Wall Street Journal)
Do’s and don’ts of wearing a face mask at restaurants during COVID-19 (Huffpost)
Early flu shot crucial this fall to avert ‘twindemic,’ doctors say. (The Boston Globe)
Covid-19 etiquette: A comprehensive guide (The Washington Post)
“The novel coronavirus is wreaking havoc on practically every aspect of society: work, science, health care, travel, parenting, education, even the ways we give birth and the ways we die and mourn. So, of course it’s rewriting the rules of etiquette faster than we can keep up.”
“… we’ve collected advice for handling some of the most common quandaries involving manners that have sprung up during the pandemic, including some scenarios encountered by readers.”
Your Finances & other Wealth Management links
6 Signs It Is Time for You to Hire a Financial Advisor. “While almost anyone could benefit from working with a financial advisor, there are certain times in life where it really pays off to be working with one.” (The Long Game)
Listen or Read: MiB: Why You Should Save Like a Pessimist but Invest Like an Optimist (Barry Ritholtz)
Social Security Informing You About Recent Scams (ssa.gov)
Some practical advice on how to filter news to reduce the biases in information you consume. (Rob Martorana, CFA Institute)
Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy
Watch: What Do The Letters Given To Describe The Shape Of Our Economic Recovery Mean? (AskBuckingham)
Diversification is the best protection against the unexpected fall of corporate giants. (John Petrides, Tocqueville))
“Since the future is unknown, diversification remains the hallmark to capital preservation in our estimation. There may be short periods of time where seemingly different asset classes move in the same direction, but over time, reducing correlation among assets within a portfolio is crucial to protecting your generational wealth.”
Shifting tides in stock and labor markets (Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab) (Note from Sheri, her article includes lots of interesting charts)
“For reasons discussed above, payroll gains are likely to shift into lower gear as real GDP growth ebbs from its initial rebound; while the rate of the decline in the unemployment rate is also likely to ebb. Key to watch over the next several months’ worth of labor market data is the relationship between temporary and permanent job losses.
Cueing Joseph Schumpeter, we are arguably in the midst of the “gale of creative destruction” in the drivers of the U.S. economy and its labor force. It can (and will) create space for creative new companies and technologies to emerge; but not without some destruction along the way—hopefully with much of it now behind us.”
A majority of young adults in the U.S. live with their parents for the first time since the Great Depression (Pew Research Center)
The Environment & ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) Investing
Humans are decimating wildlife, and the pandemic is a sign, report says (The Washington Post)
“Humanity’s expansion, consumption and transformation of land and sea have caused wildlife populations to plunge over five decades, signaling a “broken” relationship with nature that helped trigger the global coronavirus pandemic, a report says.”
Tahlequah, the orca mother that carried her dead calf for 17 days in 2018, has given birth again. (The Globe and Mail)
Source: The Globe and Mail
Tahlequah, also known as J35, center, surfaces with her ten year-old son J47 along with her day old baby, J57, off the San Juan Islands in Washington state on Sept. 5, 2020.
Your Physical & Mental Well-being
A farmer planted over 2 million sunflowers to provide a respite during this rough year “Thompson and his wife thought with everything going on this year it would be ideal to spread a little happiness to their customers.” (CNN)
Study proves that our dogs really do love us! (itv.com)
Today’s WFH office
Hi Lynn! You’ve upped your office game. ?