SBV Curated Content | A Weekly Update of Enlightening & Intriguing Information | October 27, 2021
Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy
Is There Survivorship Bias in U.S. Stock Market Performance?
“There are plenty of other good stock markets besides the U.S….” (Ben Carlson)
Your Finances & other Wealth Management links
The 3 Factors That Determine Wealth (Ben Carlson)
“Being wealthy comes down to some combination of your net worth, spending level and expectations.
Net worth can and will change but at any given time it’s pretty well set in stone for most households so the biggest levers you can pull are your spending and your expectations. If either of those goes too far above your net worth, you could be in trouble.
A large net worth certainly makes your life easier. But expectations are the great equalizer in all of this.”
How To Protect Your Digital Identity (Forbes)
The Environment & ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) Investing
The Importance of Insects (EDIBLE JERSEY, CAROLLE HUBER)
“Insects pollinate 90% of our food crops. As a beekeeper, I know the majority of our pollination isn’t done by my Italian honeybees, but rather by a much less sexy army of bumblebees, wasps, ladybugs and lacewings. And we depend on these six-legged creatures for more than food. Without pollinators, we would not have most of our trees. Trees produce the air we breathe, and clean it, too. Simply put, no insects means no trees and no humans.”
Your Physical & Mental Well-being
Six Ways Mindfulness Helps You Age With Ease. “When we aim for vibrant health and well-being, the changes associated with aging are a lot easier to navigate. We might even enjoy them.” (mindful.org)
This Week’s Serendipity Â
View the Wildlife Photographer of the Year images from the current and previous years’ competitions. “These images were awarded for their artistic composition, technical innovation and truthful interpretation of the natural world.” (Natural History Museum)
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