SBV Curated Content | A Weekly Update of Enlightening & Intriguing Information | June 9, 2021
Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy
Watch or read-> G-7 Nations Sign Pact To Make Corporations Pay Fairer Taxes. “The pact supports a minimum corporate tax rate of at least 15% to make it more difficult for companies to avoid paying.” (AP)
How the World Ran Out of Everything “Global shortages of many goods reflect the disruption of the pandemic combined with decades of companies limiting their inventories.” (The New York Times)
How to Do Long Term. (Morgan Housel)
“Long term is harder than most people imagine, which is why it’s more lucrative than many people assume. Everything worthwhile has a price, and the prices aren’t always obvious. The real price of long term – the skills required, the mentality needed – is easy to minimize, often summarized with simple phrases like “be more patient,” as if that explains why so many people can’t.
To do long term effectively you have to come to terms with a few points.”
Your Finances & other Wealth Management links
Five myths about women and investing. (
What you need to understand about RSUs. (RSU’s = restricted stock units) (
The Environment & ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) Investing
Visualized: The Climate Targets of Fortune 500 Companies “What climate targets are the world’s biggest companies setting for themselves?” (Visual Capitalist)
COVID-19 & Your Health
Masking is an old practice. Will it stick in the U.S. post-pandemic? (
Vaccines work: case counts are down to March 2020 levels. (
Chalk one up for behavioral science. (
Your Physical & Mental Well-being
E-bikes can still provide a good workout. (
Stop being so hard on yourself. (
How to Buy Happiness (Responsibly) “The great reopening offers ample opportunity to lift your spirits if you have some money to spare. Here’s how to do it right.” (The New York Times)
This Week’s Serendipity
An Invitation to the Cicada Party
“Any day now, our insect neighbors will host a once-in-a-cicada-lifetime party. Billions of cicadas, part of a cohort called Brood X, will emerge from underground tunnels to sing, mate and die across the eastern United States. Like any good party, the emergence will be loud. It will be crowded. And everyone’s invited.” (The New York Times)