SBV Curated Content | A Weekly Update of Enlightening & Intriguing Information | June 16, 2021

Businesses, Stock Markets & the Economy

Why I’m Not Worried U.S. Household Debt Is At Record Highs (Ben Carlson)

Why the stock market is still your best long-term bet for hedging inflation…. (Ben Carlson)

Table Stakes (Barry Ritholtz)

“I have trouble with this question:

“Why are Job Openings so hard to fill?”
It is a misleading question, or to be more precise, a misleading half of a question. Either through dishonesty or ignorance, it leaves out a key aspect of employment. A more realistic, honest query asked by anyone serious about hiring is this:

“Why are Job Openings so hard to fill AT THESE WAGES?””

Your Finances & other Wealth Management links

One of the most important financial skills is getting the goalpost to stop moving. It’s also one of the hardest (By Morgan Housel)

New Email Attack Takes a Phishing-Turned-Vishing Angle To Steal Credit Card Info (

This Week’s Serendipities

From the New York Times “The Week in Well”:

  • “My spirits were lifted reading a wonderfully illustrated story by my colleague Sarah Williamson, an artist and children’s book author who shared the experience of gardening in the desert with her mother. The story, which reads like a children’s book, is really about how we start a new chapter in our life after loss. New beginnings start with small steps, like taking the dog for a walk, calling a friend or working in the garden. I feel like there’s a lesson here for all of us who are coming out of pandemic restrictions and starting new chapters. Please read “Helping My Mom Start Over” and share!”


Sheri Iannetta Cupo, Founding Partner (Retired) & Director

SAGEbroadview Wealth Management is a Fee Only firm offering ongoing financial planning and portfolio management, with tax planning woven carefully throughout our services. We work virtually across the country, with offices in Farmington, CT, Morristown, NJ, and Burlington, MA.