What Sheri’s Reading About Reading
If there were a 12-step program for weaning someone off of her reading addiction, you’d turn blue in the face if you held your breath waiting for me to enroll in it. In fact, I’ve taken my compulsion one step further from “recovery.” Lately, I’ve been reading a good deal about reading. Here are some highlights.
- Why You Should Read 50 Books This Year (And How To Do It) (Fast Company’s Stephanie Vozza) – Okay, 50 books may be a tall order for a full-time professional with a day job, but you’re in excellent company if you can pull it off. Think Buffett, Zuckerberg and Gates.
- How to Read a Book (Farnam Street) – You thought you already knew how to read? There’s reading … and then there’s reading. Citing Frances Bacon: “[S]ome books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.” Savor the insights offered here.
- How to Read a Book: The Course (Farnam Street) – For a deeper dive, there’s a full course on the subject. Larry and I recently signed up. We’ll report back on how it goes.
- Book Riot (Liberty Hardy) – In case you’re stuck on what to read, Hardy (aka “ Book Reader. Book fiend”) runs one of my favorite book stores in one of my favorite towns – Portsmouth, NH. Her Book Riot Quick Picks are particularly precious.
SAGE Serendipity: We love the smell of bookstores in the morning … or any time, really. How many of these famous bookstore and library scenes can you name? Why Bookstores and Libraries Are The Most Wonderful Places on Earth