Continued Comfort from “the Crazy Quilt Chart”
We all have our symbolic security blankets, right? Mine is Madeleine L’Engle’s “Wrinkle in Time.” I first read it when I was a young adult, shortly after it became a Newbery Medal winner and I was still the book’s target audience. It was such a bull’s eye that I continue to revisit it every few years, wrapping myself up in its satisfying triumph of good over evil.
For investors, one of the greatest sources for satisfying security is the “crazy quilt chart,” which I’ve covered in past posts, such as here and here. More formally entitled “The Randomness of Returns,” it has remained a powerful illustration of the triumph of good investment practices (stay-put, global diversification) over the evil temptations that trick people into chasing those random returns from one year to the next.
If anything, “The Randomness of Returns” illustration has grown more powerful over time, as every fresh year reaffirms its timeless lesson. This year’s newest version is no exception, so we thought we’d share it with you … again.
SAGE Serendipity: If you’re travelling this summer, or just hanging around home, Everfest.com is a fun website to see if anything will be happening in your stomping grounds. This site is not just for the Coachella crowd. It will help you locate chocolate festivals, historic happenings, poetry, comedy, wine, blueberry, shad celebrations. etc. Have fun!