bull market

3 Things: Bull Markets, Investing Internationally, and Summer Jobs

bull market

No, we are not in a 9-year-old bull market

1. Currently some clients, and pundits, are voicing concerns about the longevity of the current bull market. In the September 2017 article “No, This Is Not the Second Longest Bull Market Ever”, Barry Ritholtz and Michael Batnick laid out the case that the period running from mid-2015 to early 2016 “absolutely was a bear market.” Barry also explains how he measures the starting date of a bull market.

Yes, it still makes sense to invest internationally

 2. Ben Carlson, in “Some Considerations for Investing Globally,” acknowledges that “investing in international markets may seem like a kick in the pants at the moment.“ But his article helps us to understand that “international diversification can provide psychological benefits beyond portfolio management considerations.”

Does your teen have a summer job?

3.  In “What Kids And Their Parents Should Know About Summer Jobs And Taxes,” Kelly Phillips Erb, aka @taxgirl, helps decipher those W-4’s, W-2’s, job-related expenses, and Roth IRA’s.

Bonus if you’re still reading this post:

The summer sun is beating down and my thoughts turn to frozen drinks — and sunscreen. Here is an informative article by Sarah Villafranco, M.D., founder of Osmia Organics, on Sunscreen Ratings: Everything You Need To Know About SPF, UVA, UVB & More. Did you know that “certain chemical sunscreens are awful for the environment, too? Here’s the lowdown on why Hawaii just banned some of them from its beaches.”

SAGE Serendipity: If you like fun science facts, check out the Scientific American podcasts – 60 Second Science.  They’re interesting, and you won’t feel like you’re in a digital time suck!


Sheri Iannetta Cupo, Founding Partner (Retired) & Director

SAGEbroadview Wealth Management is a Fee Only firm offering ongoing financial planning and portfolio management, with tax planning woven carefully throughout our services. We work virtually across the country, with offices in Farmington, CT, Morristown, NJ, and Burlington, MA.