What Sheri’s Reading: Back to School 2017 Edition
Dominic begins his senior year at WPI and Devon his sophomore year at the Hartt School; Dave and I return to being empty-nesters. Sigh. As your kids or grandkids head back to school, I’ve compiled a list for your reading pleasure. You will find some light-hearted articles, some that are thought-provoking, and some of a more practical nature:
- When Holding is the Hardest Part (Ben Carlson) “The easy money has been made” is one of my least favorite sayings about investing. Making money in the markets is never easy. In fact, I would argue that it’s always hard.
- Why Everyone Should Write (Morgan Housel) Writing crystallizes ideas in ways thinking on its own will never accomplish.
- There’s a world championship for Excel spreadsheets (New York Post) $10,000 in prize money!
- YELLEN: Any changes to the regulations that police Wall Street should be ‘modest‘ (Business Insider) Reforms put in place after the 2007 to 2009 crisis have strengthened the financial system without impeding economic growth, and any future changes should remain modest, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said Friday in her fullest defense yet of the rules put in place after the Great Recession.
- Gary Cohn lays out what Trump wants on tax reform (Business Insider)
- Preserve only three individual deductions,
- Eliminate the estate tax,
- Get the corporate tax rate “as low as possible”,
- Allow a one-time repatriation of overseas cash
- Always Go To the Funeral (W. Ben Hunt) But every time I’ve made the effort, I’ve experienced a uniquely powerful and sustaining human connection that I really don’t have words to describe. Let me put it this way. Twenty years later, I remember who was at my father’s funeral, not in a sense of keeping score, but of abiding appreciation.
- Which US States Have Recovered from Recession (Barry Ritholtz) The U.S. economy has finally regained its pre-recession levels of employment and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). What does that mean?
- Fake Polls Are A Real Problem (FiveThirtyEight) Polls should be judged on Two dimensions
2017 Reading Challenge Update:
This year I set a challenge to read 24 books in 2017 by reading at least 25 pages a day, a solid recommendation made by Larry’s son, Jeff Annello. So far I’ve read 21 books so I’m ahead of schedule. I discovered the Chief Inspector Armand Gamache series by Louise Penny when I caught her interview on CBS Sunday morning. They are a particularly fun read because they are based in Montreal, Canada where we recently vacationed. (I highly recommend Montreal as a vacation spot.) Please pass on any suggestions that you think I might enjoy as I’m always interested in adding to my “to be read” list.
SAGE Serendipity: If you would like to help people impacted by Hurricane Harvey, NPR compiled this helpful list: Here’s How You Can Help People Affected By Harvey Also, you can text HARVEY to 90999 to donate $10 to the Houston American Red Cross.