Hot Off the Press: Dominic the Firefighter

Dominic with the junior team.
My son Dominic has been a Junior Firefighter for over a year and a half now, but he moves to Volunteer Firefighter status on his 18th birthday – today! Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a fire fighter? Check out the program Dominic attended last summer to pass his Fire Fighter 1 level. No pun intended, but isn’t this cool?
As we celebrate Dominic’s 18th birthday it also seems like an appropriate time to share some timely insights about estate planning considerations for your adult children. Look for my commentary on that next week … after I’ve recovered from the shock of having an adult child of my own! How did this happen???
SAGE Serendipity: Have you ever heard of the volunteer firefighter’s “wet-down”? When a new fire truck is put into commission, it’s traditional for a neighboring town to come soak it down with their own equipment. Here’s a video of Morris Township’s 2012 wet-down. If you’re into instant gratification, the hosing begins at about minute four. You may want to lower your volume first!