Investment Basics

Investment Basics Series: Summertime, and the Learning (and Winning) Is Easy

Investment Basics

We often advise others that mindful living represents a balance: reserving time for work and play, investing and spending, yourself and your community.

Just as we invest our own wealth using the same strategy we recommend to others, we also strive to set an example on balanced living. (Admittedly, some days we’re more successful than others!) One way we strive for balance is by making plans each winter to set aside time each summer to relax and recover from the seasonal chill.

As Carl Richards describes in his fantastic new book, “The One-Page Financial Plan,” a few, simple plans can dramatically reduce the amount of time you need to spend worrying about money.

The same lesson applies in business planning. To ensure each of us at SAGEbroadview experiences some unplugged time away from the office this summer while ensuring the same levels of diligent client care throughout, we’ve been doing some planning and prep work of our own.

Remember all that snow? Brrrrrr, who could forget?? Now that the weather has finally turned fair, we’re ready to share our Investment Basics Summer Series – which we actually prepared during those dark days of winter – in a collection of weekly, easy-living installments.

We still want to hear from you, though, even during the summer. So as an added treat, in weekly drawings all summer, we will be giving away copies of Carl Richards’ new “One-Page Financial Plan.” To participate, all you need to do is reply to our weekly Investment Basics installments with a comment inspired by the post. That’s it. You’ll then be entered in that week’s drawing. Try it today and see if you win!


Sage Serendipity: This image, gone viral, is an excellent illustration of what can happen if you lose sight of ensuring balance in your life. Step away from that mobile device now and then, lest you risk losing out on a whale of a real-life opportunity.


Sheri Iannetta Cupo, Founding Partner (Retired) & Director

SAGEbroadview Wealth Management is a Fee Only firm offering ongoing financial planning and portfolio management, with tax planning woven carefully throughout our services. We work virtually across the country, with offices in Farmington, CT, Morristown, NJ, and Burlington, MA.